28 November 2012

Local treasures

A late afternoon jaunt to Heybridge Basin allowed me to take these cool pictures with my new smart phone :-)

Simon Goode and the LCBA

I have a clear memory, as a second year undergraduate student of Book Arts & Crafts, of seeing the dramatic book arts installation created by the final year student, Simon Goode, at the London College of Communication a few years back in the mid noughties.

Conversations held with Simon at networking events were engaging and full of passion for Book Arts.  Simon spoke of his growing collection of printing and book binding equipments (then being stored in a distant location) and we shared our passion for passing on the knowledge of the world of Book Arts.

As I continue to pass on my knowledge through workshops and events, I am also really excited by the new London Centre for Book Arts founded by Simon.  Following an enviable tour of the US, visiting binderies and key book arts locations, Simon has returned and set up LCBA.

I hope to get to visit the new venue very soon...

Book Arts Course

My current Book Arts Course is approaching session four of five - but I cannot wait to post images so here are a selection from the Paper Engineering and Bookbinding sessions...more to follow...

Test Card

21 November 2012

Blog, blog, blogging

Blog, blog, blog...
I must get into the habit of writing a quick post or two with more frequency!
Apologies for recent absence.  Will now aim to fulfill this aim!!!         

7 November 2012

Radio Wivenhoe Interview

I am busily preparing for my interview on Radio Wivenhoe tomorrow for Wivenhoe Women, a super programme promoting the work and talents of local women, produced by Charmaine McKissock.

Watch this space for details of the programme on air...

5 November 2012

Pinterest as a tool for art education

I have discovered Pinterest - have I said this already?!

I am keen to put forward my idea that this is potentially an excellent tool for artist / student creative self development...

A few days ago, I set myself the rule that I could only select images from Pinterest which fitted my aesthetic 100%.

As I began to get the hang of searching and pinning images to my 'like' board, I became increasingly aware of a strange phenomena occurring. 

My preconceived perception of my personal aesthetic was gradually being blown away by a series of images which, as a collective, reflected back to me an aesthetic, which, while being my own, had previously been unrecognized by me.

I began to see this tool as a fabulous way for students to develop an understanding of their own aesthetic - and I am keen to try this out...

Artists, students, creatives - what are your thoughts?

I had to take sneaky a look - and found my Conversational Threads illustration under my own name!

4 November 2012

Solo Exhibition Private View

I had such a lovely afternoon yesterday, hosting the private view for my new solo exhibition Long Exposure at the Digby Gallery, Mercury Theatre in Colchester.  

The gallery staff have been very supportive and helpful and the hanging system is a dream to work with.

I was so pleased to have the time to talk to all my guests (except sleeping children) and very happy to get positive feedback, expressions of interest and to begin discussing future projects, commissions and collaboarations!

The feedback comments came from an audience ranging from 5 to 69 :-) (those under 5 were too tiny to comment!).

Thank you to all guests and to my family support team and to the Mercury Theatre staff.

Inspiration Monday

I have had a long term fasciation with and love of animation and I have a clear recollection of watching animation 'shorts', from around the world, on the BBC circa the late 1970s / early 1980s. 

This free and easy access to skilled and intriguing animation seemed to disappear over time and I have been saddened by the fact that I could only access such 'shorts' by attending screenings at the BFI (expensive) or by buying DVDs of animation compilations (also expensice - and never in the reduced price sales bracket!).

I have had the opportunity to enjoy watching some true gems over the years - by taking advntage of the DVD lending library at the London College of Communication during my student days; and by treasuring DVD gifts.

Maybe I have been missing a treat as a result of finding the web 2.0 offerings a little overwhelming - you tube / my space / etc.  I don't know.

But now, I have discovered Pinterest and Vimeo.  FANTASTIC!

As a celebration of these discoveries I am posting this animation short.  Books, paper engineering, music, darkness, intrigue...enjoy!