23 February 2010

Skansen open air museum, Stockholm

Here, in the midst of cardboard boxes, with bare walls and empty shelves around me, I have taken refuge in the rich memories of a trip to Stockholm in 2008 and a visit to the wonderful open air museum Skansen - well worth doing the museum justice with a full day's visit.  Find out more here

15 February 2010

Rediscovering PAPER

Working on my collaborative blog with Jaq has inspired me to rediscover my love of paper engineering combined with typography and language.  I have created a new Flickr set and I feel really inspired by my past works with paper.  I now aim to spend more time in the world of Paper - cutting, folding, tearing and dyeing!

Take a look at the amazing work of Yulia Brodskaya and Peter Callesen for more paper work inspiration.

7 February 2010

Hand embroidery update

I decided upon a great use for my hand embroidery and made this autumnal cover for my mobile phone.
I'm currently exploring the visual recording possibilities opened up by the small phone's camera and enjoying a new look on the world based on the ability to place the camera in tiny spaces - compared to when using my SLR cameras!  
Next I will be making mini video recordings - with sound!....


Here are two images from my most recent post on Monday's Word, a new blog which displays the art work created through a collaborative project devised by myself and a femmow book artist, with the aim of inspiring creativity and ideas.  Do take a look!

5 February 2010

La nuit en hiver

Me encanta la palabra española ‘la madrugada’.  No existe un equivalente en inglés para describir las horas silenciosas después de medianoche pero antes del alba.  Es una lástima como son tan bonitos los colores de la madrugada pero no se puede captar de verdad con la cámara.  Hay que verlos y recordar.