14 July 2010

Paper engineering

Folding, cutting, tearing, ripping, scoring.

Paper is a joy to manipulate and I am inspired by many paper engineers as I have mentioned in previous posts.

I have recently discovered the work of a friend of a friend Hattie Newman.  Check out Hattie's blog - the paper engineering is amazing, inspiring and colourful!

Talking of paper scenes, here's one I made earlier....

Printmaking at the London College of Communication

I have recently had the pleasure of leading two weeks of workshops in Printmaking at the London College of Communication.

My course included experimental drawing, drawing for detail, collograph printmaking and drypoint engraving printmaking.

The students from London schools and colleges, were fabulous and worked really hard to create amazing work.  

I have to thank my two assistants, Nadia and Sean who were so helpful, knowledgeable and fun to work with!

Below are some images of the students' work in traditional collograph printmaking and dry point engraving: